Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

 Self Portraits displayed from Guggenheim Residency Program 

Since 1970, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum's Learning Through Art program (LTA) has inspired New York City public school students to explore and learn through the arts. Based on the notion that art is a powerful means to deepen student learning, LTA sends practicing artists into the classroom to create process-oriented art projects that examine ideas and themes related to the school curriculum. Learning Through Art residencies introduce art techniques, promote critical thinking and creativity, and encourage students to view, analyze, and discuss works of art.

Please visit their website

Students in 3rd grade have participated in a 20 week classroom residency program

American Ballroom Theater

 Students ballroom dancing as part of the American Ballroom Theater residency program 

The Dancing Classrooms was launched in 1994 as a not-for-profit project of the American Ballroom Theater Company. It is an arts-in-education program teaching ballroom dance to the upper elementary, junior high and high school students of participating schools. As seen in the documentary film Mad Hot Ballroom, Dancing Classrooms is an in-school residency for every child, regardless of background or experience.

While Dancing Classrooms has been hailed as an effective program for teaching social dance, the program provides many other benefits. Dancing Classrooms is about creating an atmosphere which allows students who are typically introverted and reserved, to step out and shine. It focuses physical energies and increases health through the joy of movement. It builds self-esteem and interactive social skills as it improves confidence and children’s ability to relate to others.

Their mission is to build social awareness, confidence and self-esteem in children through the practice of social dance.

Through standards based, in-school residencies, the use of vocabulary of ballroom dance to cultivate the positive feelings that are inherent in every child. The maturity necessary to dance together fosters respect, team work, confidence and a sense of joy and accomplishment, that will be brought to every child. Ballroom dance is the medium use to nurture these qualities.

Please visit their website

Students in 5th grade have participated in a classroom residency program


 Boys Basketball Team 

PS/IS 48 has partnered with CHAMPS and Atlas Basketball to bring after school athletic clubs to our school.  Students will practice with their coaches and team mates to learn the rules of the game & will compete against other NYC Public Schools enrolled in the program.

The Atlas Foundation funds and supports a 5th Grade Basketball League on Staten Island. The league is comprised of boys’ and girls’ divisions. Each team has a cheerleading squad comprised of fellow students from the same school. Several area schools participate and enter one team in each division to represent their school. This league is designed as a behavior modification tool in that eligibility to participate in the league depends on the student’s academic and behavioral performance in school.

Games are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from December through March, and the season ends with a championship game and league party.

Please visit their website

The CHAMPS Middle School Sport and Fitness League is an initiative of the New York City Department of Education that promotes physical activity among children going through the critical years of middle school. The name CHAMPS derives from the initials of the five values that define our participants: Cooperative, Healthy, Active, Motivated, and Positive Students.

Please visit their website

Students in grades 5-8 have participated in these programs

National Junior Honors Society (Arista)

 Middle School students at ceremony being inducted into the National Junior Honors Society 

The National Junior Honor Society is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1929.

Students in grades 6–8 who meet the requirements for membership outlined by our school are eligible to be invited for membership. 

Students must be in their second semester of sixth grade for consideration.

Scholarship: Per national guidelines, at a minimum, students must have a cumulative GPA of 85, B, 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent standard of excellence. (Each school chapter is allowed to require a higher cumulative GPA.)

Service: This involves voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation.

Leadership: Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.

Character: The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally maintains a clean disciplinary record.

Citizenship: The student who demonstrates citizenship understands the importance of civic engagement; has a high regard for freedom and justice; respects the U.S. form of government; respects the law for all citizens at the local, state, and federal levels; and demonstrates mature participation and responsibility in activities such as scouting, community organizations, or school clubs.

Please visit their website

Students in grades 6-8 have participated in these programs

Staten Island Zoo Club

 Students touching an animal during visit to Staten Island Zoo 

Councilman Matteo has funded a Cultural After-School Adventures (CASA) Grant that has allowed our students to form a Zoo Club with the Staten Island Zoo. This year we worked collaboratively with the TV Studio students and teacher at Staten Island Tech to produce a video about our experience. The video is on You Tube! Our students wrote their own script. I am so proud of them. Thank you to Mr. Keith from the SI Zoo, Mr. VanBuren and host students from Staten Island Tech (especially Taylor) and Councilman Matteo for making this all come together. Enjoy the video!

Students in grade 3 have participated in these programs

Too Good for Drugs Program

 Police officers and students participating in Too Good for Drugs program 

Borough President Oddo joined with members of the NYPD and 5th grade students, who participated in the "Too Good For Drugs". The curriculum is co-taught in the classroom by an NYPD police officer and a school teacher. The program took place in 5th grade classes in every public school on Staten Island, as well as in several parochial schools. Over 5,000 students on Staten Island participated in the program this year.

Please visit their website

Students in grade 5 have participated in these programs

After School Enrichment Clubs

 Students drawing as part of the after school enrichment clubs  

PS/IS 48 offers wonderful after school clubs. The After School Enrichment Clubs are scheduled each year.  The clubs possibly being offered: ELL, ELA, Fashion, Klee, Jr. Detectives, Sports, Text Talk, Puppetry, Math Problem Solving, Chorus, Sewing Geometry & Measurements, Robotics and Violins.

Students in K - 8th grades have participated in these programs

Theater Productions

 Students participating in Annie production 

Students participate in all aspects of a theater production:

Acting, Dancing, Singing

Stage Design and Crew

Producing and Directing

Sounds and Lights

Costume Design

Marketing (Posters, Flyers, Programs Design)

Students in all grades have participated in these programs